Use WD-40 "Smart Straw" Nozzles On Other Aerosol C

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Jul 22, 2011
Anyone that has used aerosol sprays with the tiny red straws that get lost can share my frustration. You're under the hood taking careful aim, then you fire. Pffft! The straw shoots off and is nowhere to be found in the depths of your engine bay. I probably have a half dozen in there never to be found again. Only trick to using the "Smart Straw" on other cans is to very slightly enlarge the valve taper with a drill. Remove the minimum amount of plastic to get a good seal. Start with a 1/8" bit and test fit. I ended up using a 9/64" bit and drilled about 3/16" deep. Drill too far, and it will no longer depress the can's valve stem, too large it will leak. Appears WD-40 designed their can valve stem a smaller diameter to prevent the "Smart Straw" from being used on other products. Always thought it wasteful to throw these away. This works, try it!

Smart Straw Solves Decades-Old Problem

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I loop a rubber band around the straw a few times and then around the can. Or I put the straw in the spray tip and put tape around the straw then tape it to the can. No more flying straws.
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