This isn't good...

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Originally Posted By: pbm
...Some will blame this senseless act on guns...
...Some will blame it on drugs...
...Some will blame it on heavy metal music...
...Some will blame it on Palin...
...Some will blame it on Obama...

100% agree.

Problem is the MSM, a large number of our elected officials and a lot of scared, white knuckle, cant think for themselves voters will fall for the first five of your suggestions...sadly. Oh and add talk radio to the "blame" list, I've heard that one already, all over the MSM.
Originally Posted By: Pete C.
He had a 9mm Glock w/ 2-30 round mags and 2-15 round mags

To the best of my knowledge it was bought from a gun store and he passed a background check with no problems. So those checks that were supposed to keep everyone safe didn't and now the "experts" tell us that their new regulations will make a difference.

It never stops.
Originally Posted By: LS2JSTS
Oh and add talk radio to the "blame" list, I've heard that one already, all over the MSM.

That one has been debunked as well:
Osler says his friend wasn’t shooting at people, “he was shooting at the world.” Regarding the high-pitched talk radio and cable news political rhetoric, Osler says his friend didn’t even watch the news.

He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn’t listen to political radio. He didn’t take sides. He wasn’t on the left. He wasn’t on the right.

But don't let that stop the MSM feeding frenzy...
Originally Posted By: Pablo
There will always be crazies. Gun laws can't stop mental illness.

Yep ... sadly, this is part of the price of freedom in this country.

I feel for the victims and their families. It's too bad our law enforcement don't look into reports of red flags on crazy people like this until it's too late. Every instance of a shooting like this shows many red flags where raised before the lunatic acted.
"Authorities" need these types of events to enact their agenda.

Back in Highschool, all I wanted to be was a gunsmith. Premier of the state was pushing for a total ban, and I chose Engineering instead, realising that I would likely never retire a gunsmith (now it's not even a qualified profession, being relegated to "metalworker").

On his being voted out of office, he made a statement that it would not be until a massacre occurs in Tasmania that there will be uniform gun laws in Australia.

Guess where the massacre was ?
Was (allegedly) performed by a mentally deficient psycho, who had been exonerated for the suicide of a relative.
Used an AR15 that was handed in during an amnesty in another state.
Victims were carried in a large refrigerated morgue bus that was used only once ever.
In less than a week, hundreds of pages of "new" legislation were enacted unopposed.

Like the FBI and their bombers, sometimes things just need to be let happen to further an agenda.
Most of the talk seems to be about legislation against high capacity mags. Speaker of the house Boehner has said he's against this. I forsee much panic buying. (Guilty myself, just got a couple for my XD, XDm, and my M&P9)
High cap mags and "Assault Rifle" stuff is just thin ending, by people who don't understand what it is that they are looking at.

Downunder, the "sensible" laws had pump and auto shotguns outlawed, semi-auto everything (including .22s)...even paintball guns were initially captured in the broad wording.

Anti's slinging slogans like "sporting" (motioning the apostrophes as they say sporting) shooters shouldn't NEED more than one shot became office talk.
Originally Posted By: INMY01TA
Most of the talk seems to be about legislation against high capacity mags. Speaker of the house Boehner has said he's against this. I forsee much panic buying. (Guilty myself, just got a couple for my XD, XDm, and my M&P9)

I saw someone supposedly on the "gun side" want to ban guns within 1000ft of any "federal official".

Can't let a crisis go to waste.
Originally Posted By: Tempest

I saw someone supposedly on the "gun side" want to ban guns within 1000ft of any "federal official".

That was a NY congressman and NYC mayor Bloomberg, two people definitely not on the "gun side".
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