need help, planning frantz trans filter

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Jun 6, 2004
Hi Everyone,

After a successful frantz motor oil filter install I was thinking about putting a bypass filter on the trans. Car is a 1995 Saturn SL2 with auto trans that has a spin-on filter. A guy from the Trasko company found the thread of the trans filter it uses, but didn't have a trasko filter for that application. Would it be possible to use a sandwich adapter with a Frantz? Or would the pressure from the trans be too high and cause leaks around the o-rings? How would I find thread size of the trans. lines? If I need to tap the trans pan, how high up/where should I tap? Could a Frantz engine filter be used or will only the Frantz trans filter work? Thanks for your opinions.
I installed a PermaCool remote filter adapter inline before my trans cooler and screwed on a Trasco filter and it seems to be doing just fine. Right after it was installed my truck started shifting like a hot knife through butter.Smoooooth!
I have the Frantz on my tranny ( 95 Nissan Altima) I have had no problems with it Frantz they will sell you an adapter for about $30 tap into the tranny cooler lines , you also have to bore out the restrictor in the Frantrz unit ( Debie?? will help you out on how to do it ...very easy )
As for weather trannys develop a lot of crap in the fluid....well then why even change it at all .... I say clean fluid all the time is always worth the $$
BTW if you haven't bought the unit yettry Ralph wood ( site sponser) and purchase a motoerguard from him , I have one on my engine and it is much better then the frantz for ease of use )
Personally, I would not put the Frantz on a tranny. I have one on my engine but installed the Magnefine trans filter on my new tranny instead of the Frantz.

Personally, for the grief and the cost of installing the Frantz on a tranny, I'd recommend the Magnefine anyday. Its only $30, takes a couple of minutes to install and supposedly lasts 3 years.

If I was going to invest the $200 into my tranny, i'd install a good cooler before I'd install a Frantz. Don't get me wrong, I love the Frantz on my engine, but trannies don't generate the amount of crap that an engine does so a killer filter is not as important as keeping the tranny heat under control, IMHO!! LOL
Here is the Magnefine web site.

You need to be VERY careful if you do try to install a Frantz to one of the oil ports on the tranny as some trannies have huge pressures that could trash the Frantz.

If you want to use the Frantz, they have a transmission version filter that comes with a special fitting that is used in one line going to the cooler in the radiator that handles the inlet and outlet of the Frantz.

Hi Mykro,

I took a look at your excellent photo collection and would like to ask you a few questions. Do you know if the trans adaptor that you illustrate has a restrictor between the trans cooler and transmission inlet? Not sure how the flow to the Frantz would work without there being some pressure difference. I'm also interested in your use of silicone. I've been getting leaks once and a while from the same fitting. Just the other day I tried Mobile1 for the first time and after about 5 miles of driving the OPS light came on. Apparently the same *&^ fitting leaked after I put in the new oil, spilling $20 worth of oil onto the road. After the silicone dries, are you able to disassemble the connection? Epoxy also works well to seal fittings perfectly unfortunately you also can't disconnect such a seal. Lastly, I've noticed that your rubber hoses are in all the way. Is that because you followed the directions and soaked the ends in water for a couple mins? Thank you, I appreciate the advice.
Ok, sorry for the thousands of questions that I posted under one subject at the same time... Being an engineering student I am very curious person, but will keep it short and sweet this time. However, please, what would the benefits of putting silicone on pipe threads be? I've read from other posts on other newsgroups that silicone swells when exposed to fuel and gets hard when exposed to water. Thanks.
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