Man faces jail time for possession of a dud shell

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$100 Site Donor 2021
Apr 28, 2008
Ontario, Canada

November 4th is judgment day for Mark Witaschek who faces two years in the pokey for having a shotgun shell and a spent rifle round in his home. Impossible? The successful businessman lives in Washington D.C. where possession of ammo, which includes spent shells, is illegal for anyone who is not a registered gun owner.

The problems for Mr. Witaschek began back in 2012 when his ex-wife filed for a restraining order. She convinced a court clerk to issue a temporary restraining order because she said he threatened her with a gun. A judge later ruled that the claim was without merit.

Based on accusations made by Witaschek’s ex-wife, a gun recovery unit visited his house. Feeling he had nothing to hide, he allowed them to search his house. They found and confiscated a Civil War-era Colt revolver even though it is an antique and completely legal to own without registration. The cops also took a box of .40 caliber ammunition, but did not charge him at the time.

One month later on June 7th a 30-man SWAT team showed up at Witaschek’s house with a search warrant. They pointed guns at him and his girlfriend, forced them to the floor and cuffed them. Witaschek’s teenage son was in the shower at the time of the raid. The cops used a battering ram to take down the bathroom door and pull the son out completely naked. All four of Witaschek’s children were herded into a room crying.

Yet, in the same federal enclave, Mr. Gregory, of NBC News, can provocatively brandish a "high capacity" magazine, also illegal, on national television, without any legal or practical consequences.

Alternate standards of "justice" is even more despicable.
Out of control individuals in law enforcement.

Legislation by itself does not cause rights to be violated or not. It is also dependent on the individual decisions of those entrusted with justice.

Exactly the same logic as guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Originally Posted By: Win

Yet, in the same federal enclave, Mr. Gregory, of NBC News, can provocatively brandish a "high capacity" magazine, also illegal, on national television, without any legal or practical consequences.

Alternate standards of "justice" is even more despicable.


They even edit TV footage of guns to make them LOOK scarier.
Originally Posted By: TrevorS
Legislation by itself does not cause rights to be violated or not

In the case of D.C. gun regulations, clearly the legislative process imposed draconian restrictions on rights clearly enumerated in the second amendment to the U.S. constitution.

Indeed, Heller, came from D.C. and the D.C. circuit.

The whole point of having amendments to the constitution enumerating specific rights, is to protect those rights from the legislative tyranny of a majority.
While it's easy to blame the cops involved, I place blame higher up. The petty tyranny that is government today is the problem. Ruining peoples lives because they don't understand the US Constitution.
As bad as the guy thrown in the slammer in NJ for crossing the state traveling from one place to another with guns in the car...
If this event had occurred the same way, but the subject was a small bag of pot, it would be across the nation in headlines of overkill, abuse of power etc. It since its about firearms/ammo , it will not get any coverage.
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