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Jan 12, 2008
Anyone use on of these? Is it a waste of money? It seems like a pretty good idea from what I read in magazines. I just dont know if 40 sum dollars is worth it? Chime in anyone. Thanks- Ponch.
Go to your local computer repair shop, grab a bunch of free stuffed hard drives, pull them apart, and you've got some decent magnets.

The other day I picked up 100 neodymium magnets about 1/4" diameter, 1/4" long. They will fit down through the filter feed holes, past the ADBV, and catch stuff on the dirty side of the filter (I don't like the idea of magnets on the clean side)...100 magnets $31.
I have one on the subaru for extra protection. Being it causes no harm, I see no harm in using it. Never has fallen off either, so that's a bonus :) They're well built too and help get rid of sub 5 micron iron particles in the oil.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Go to your local computer repair shop, grab a bunch of free stuffed hard drives, pull them apart, and you've got some decent magnets.

The other day I picked up 100 neodymium magnets about 1/4" diameter, 1/4" long. They will fit down through the filter feed holes, past the ADBV, and catch stuff on the dirty side of the filter (I don't like the idea of magnets on the clean side)...100 magnets $31.

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