Dissolving Road Salt off paint

If it's mineral deposits like lime, you might try a weak acid like vinegar on an inconspicuous area. Try not to scrub that to avoid more paint damage, apply to a paper towel and slap it on to soak. A drop of detergent in the vinegar will help it wet the area.
^ This! White vinegar warm water 50/50, 10/15 drops dish soap per gallon, soak, wash with solution and sponge, blast with pressure washer but not too close.

You may also use claybar w/ 50/50 solution to remove anymore deposits left behind. Then time to wax that puppy.

I have used the claybar and 50/50 method for decades on hard to remove water spots, or mineral deposits on all vehicle finishes, never any damage.

P.S. there is most likely Calcium on it. They are not spraying straight salt brine no matter what they say!