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  1. B

    Oil change interval recommendation

    I use conventional. 2.2 about 1,000/month driving mostly split between a 30 mi distance and 5 mi distance minimal traffic avg speed 50mph with about 5 stop signs/lights each route.
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    Oil change interval recommendation

    I am surprised I have not found a FAQ on what I am about to ask. If it is a common question with a post addressing it feel free to point me to it. On a general search I did not find anything except an OCI chart. I have a 1992 toyota camry. The book OCI is 3000. I see many sites saying with new...
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    does anything in oil ever separate or settle out if oil sits for a long time?

    If stuff does settle out will it help if I turn the jugs over and store them upside down for a month or two and then alternate turning them over every month or so or is the only way to get everything back in suspension to shake it?
  4. B

    does anything in oil ever separate or settle out if oil sits for a long time?

    If new oil in a sealed jug sits on my shelf for a year or so will anything settle to the bottom or separate out if it sits undisturbed? What about after 5, 10 or more years?
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    valvoline rebate

    I just wanted it known that this is one rebate that works and for 20 seconds of submitting you get your money back in 2 days. I put the most recent one in on sat and paypal now has it, Monday, two days later.
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    valvoline rebate

    I usually don't fall for rebates because of the hassle and wait. I tried the current valvoline $5 rebate and was quite surprised. All you need to do is upload a copy of an online purchase or a picture of your in store receipt. I had that done in about 20 seconds. The best part is after uploading...
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    In current name brand oils is there any reason not to always use 5 W30 instead of 10 W30?

    With modern oils is there any reason not to always use the lowest cold rating with the same operating temperature rating oil? I have read that in the past 5 W30 oil had more additive and was less shear stable than 10 W30 but does that still apply today? Also even if my manual doesn't mention it...
  8. B

    Does gasoline really burn off of oil?

    My next question about ethanol is why is the ethanol free gas typically %30 more expensive than the standard %10 ethanol, $4 vs $3 a gallon? I get ethanol may be cheaper but even if it was free Adding %10 of it should only lower the price %10. I assume ethanol cost something and that the extra...
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    Does gasoline really burn off of oil?

    I was thinking ethanol was the gummy junk that separates out from gas, after 30 days or so, and is left to gum up injectors and other engine parts. If it acts more like grain alcohol I guess it goes away even faster than gas. Why is it that I keep hearing that ethanol can gum up an engine if...
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    Does gasoline really burn off of oil?

    I just though oil dilution was commonly accepted on engines that are cold.
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    Does gasoline really burn off of oil?

    On one of the videos of cold starting an engine it was shown how, when cold, unburned gas can get past the piston rings and mix with the oil. The video also showed two oil samples, one clean and one mixed with gas from cold engine starts with short runs, engine never fully warmed up. Even with a...
  12. B

    Chevy Volt Oil Change Intervals

    If the oil maker says 20,000 or 1 year on the oil and the car says 7,500 or two years I would go with 7,500 miles or one year. My standby house generator sees about 10 hours, 200 recommended, a year but the generator make recommends changing the oil every year no matter what the time. I don't...
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    Chevy Volt Oil Change Intervals

    I don't know about that. I have seen several people say that the entity that holds your warranty wants it to last that long. Years or hundreds of miles longer is not their goal. I would take the advice of the more conservative one. Are yearly oil changes no matter the use really considered...
  14. B

    how low on oil can a standard car get before there is a mechanical problem

    The answer seems to be most people think running near the ADD line is a bad idea but some have gotten away with that and lower. When I first drained the oil for a change I looked at the stick first. It was just a bit below the add line which would put it at 3 QT on a 4 QT sump. I thought that...
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    how low on oil can a standard car get before there is a mechanical problem

    I am not talking about 1 qt below the ADD line. I am talking about 1 QT below the FULL line. Basically is anything bad happening at the ADD line (1 quart below full) for the last 500 mi before an oil change. The stick only goes about 1/4 quart below the add line anyway. I take this to mean the...
  16. B

    how low on oil can a standard car get before there is a mechanical problem

    How low can I let the oil get before there is a mechanical problem? I am not talking crazy low like you see on youtube where guys try to run on 1/2 a quart. I am talking 1 or so qt low, normal dips you might see between changes. On a 4QT sump my camry calls to add oil when it gets a qt low but...
  17. B

    Is there any practical benefit to letting a passenger car oil warm up before driving?

    I was thinking the engine is designed to work best under certain conditions. One best, temperature, RPM, and I thought, oil viscosity. The consensus seems to be that 200F oil may be best but 20F oil won't make much of a difference and getting it up to 100F before doing gentle warm up driving...
  18. B

    Is there any practical benefit to letting a passenger car oil warm up before driving?

    I realize there are millions of cars doing hundreds of cold starts and drive off but most people don't expect their cars to last past 10 years or 200,00 without major problems so I don't go by what the majority of people do. Everyone seems to expect cars to just die at 200,000 and are fine with...
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    Is there any practical benefit to letting a passenger car oil warm up before driving?

    With a standard passenger car, toyota camry, is there any mechanical benefit to letting the oil warm up in standard midwest winter, 10 - 30F, temps? When doing an oil change I noticed oil at operating temps runs out like water. About an hour later when draining the oil collection pan at 50F...
  20. B

    Is all name brand oil that meets specs the same?

    Is name brand oil, (castrol, valvoline, pennzoil,...) that meets required specs, (dexos..) basically going to give the same results for basic passenger car driving, within a category (synthetic, synthetic blend and conventional),? I was going to ask if they were the same but I know every...