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    Motorcraft 0w20

    Finally motorcraft join the 0w20 bandwagon:) https://www.fcsdchemicalsandlubricants.c...ory=Motor%20Oil
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    Can thicker oil cause shifting problems?

    This is probably a dumb question but can a thicker oil then required cause your tranny to shift abnormally,or does one have nothing to do with another?
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    Pennzoil growing in factory fills

    Pennzoil has taken bmw from castrol as oem factory fill,even has a brand new commercial about it.
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    Toyota synthetic are made from pao!!

    According to this report Toyota says it tests it oils in it's racing teams and are PAO based. Just doing some research into what might also be in the tgmo 0w20
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    TGMO 0w20 for tubrocharged cars too!

    TGMO 0w20 for tubrocharged cars too! apparently says so right on the can its an amazing oil,heres the link